Re: Searl Rotation a Thermal Effect?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 04 Apr 1998 00:38:43 -0600

Hi Folks!

I've gotta tell you, this guy is something else!! I am extremely
impressed by this email. To show you how things work synchronistically
and coincidentally, I happened to be perusing the KeelyNet BBS public
emails and found a post from Bob Paddock #109 which says patent #428,057
by Nikola Tesla for a 'Pyromagnetic Electric Generator' where power is
derived by have a magnet oscillate above and below it's Curie just gets is my contacts latest email;

Jerry , I have reserched alternate Energy for the past twenty years
starting with Tesla Coils and Van de Graff generators in High School. I
Majored in Nuclear Eng. at TAM. I love Wind Power and Hydro. as well.
The problem is you cannot build a windmill tower in a suburb. Searl ran
as well as Moray, his devices in a basement. Therefore all of my work
centers around machines that function in limited space.

Consider the following; a bar of pure Iron (referance Hendershot
Generator), has a set thermal tempreture dependant on its surroundings.
If that bar is wrapped with wire and placed in the presance of a strong
magnetic field, ANY change in temperature will induce an emf in the

But here's the important part, what goes up must come down. If you heat
a bar of iron, it must cool due to natural convective laws. The cool
phase induces yet another EMF and the whole thing snowballs.

Searl, Moray, Hendershot and others found a way to take advantage of
this CONVECTIVE FEEDBACK first converting the pyromagnetic resonance
into raw electric current, then into random thermal heat which in turn
induced more cold down drafts.

In simplest terms the secret of so called Free Energy is to exploit the
chaos of random domain disorientation when it is repeatedly reordered
by cold atmospheric gases.

Where does this power come from? You and me as warm blooded animals.
The sun constantly heats the ground outside while the upper atmosphere
remains cool. Therefore, an endless supply of energy, unbalanced by
density and temperature atmospheric gases exist for your use. No
million dollar dams, no dangerous wind towers just cleverly concieved

Why did I say we also are a power source? Because each human being
gives off up to Three Hundred Watts. That's why Schappeller and others
noticed an increase in power when they stood by their machines. The
power was being convectively transferred from their own body heat.

Now what does all this mean? It means that we can build machines
that directly exploit convection but not in the crude way these
insightful men have but in a more modern way, my way, based on years of
conventional Physics.

In short, the Faraday Dynamo is driven by the convection current by use
of a series of peripheral venturi holes. This powers an axially mounted
electromagnet. But it doesn't end there, a positive pressure turbine
freewheels at the intake, the exhaust being through the peripheral jet

Why? Because up to now all you have is a wind turbine. We need heat and
Faraday Dynamos are only good for charging electromagnets. So we emplode
the plenum chamber and pressurize it alternately to induce current in
the top of the evacuating chamber, the same way an early bell telephone
reciever does.

Like the tympanic membrane in your ear drum. Things get hot real fast
this way. The hotter the spinning machine gets, i.e, red-orange, the
more updraft descends or ascends to power it.

I know its confusing so you need a faxed diagram. Consider the final
point; wind generators can only use available wind velocity. With
convective feedback verticle wind generators, you can induce on demand
as much wind as you want. Nature does that for Free! It's called the
firestorm effect or vortex effect. I have over a hundred variations of
the implosive magnetic membrane convective device. I will be happy to
share with you out of gratitude for the info * has sent me over the

Eventually you will believe that this is a fundamental Engineering
Discovery. Why? I didn't invent it! The blasted machine has been around
since the pharoahs of Eygypt. These devices favor operation in desert

So My APPROACH is as a Historical Physical Scientist. I simply read
about this thing so long I finally had to build someting. I don't
expect your people to believe me and I really don't care. Look at my
diagrams. Make up your own Minds.

Don't let any one Like a Doctor Stoddard I once briefly conversed with
on convective energy recovery make it up for you.
Isn't this incredible?? What we thought of as PSYCHIC energy from
certain inventors might have been some kind of proximal thermal tap when
standing near a certain spot. Not to mention the mysterious paper
uncovered by Jim that says Moray used a thermal to electric translation
effect....I am snockered with this entirely new approach (to my
knowledge) that makes a lot of sense....awaiting additional information
that will be posted ASAP...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187