Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Norman Wootan ( )
Thu, 02 Apr 1998 20:15:02 -0600

Hi! Allen: Looks like you had the same success ( or lack of) that I had. I got home
too late today to call the # for Eisner. If that is not successful I will call
Andrew Michrowski direct to get the truth. Both Jerry and I know him very well and
know him to be straight forth and honest. Jerry and I have also met Roy Thornson and
I have spent time over lunch discussing the drive theory and exchanged ideas with him
on other subjects. More later when I learn more. Norm

Alan Schneider wrote:

> On Thu, 02 Apr 1998 07:46:17 -0600, Norman Wootan <> wrote:
> >Address error: I checked out the URL that was given in the article and found it
> >was wrong. I will call Venture today and try getting more info and a good
> >URL. Sorry bout that, I just wrote it as published. Norm
> It works better with forward slashes rather than backslashes...
> >> (204) 982-4665 The gov. of Manitoba is reporting the technology at:
> >>\itt\db\indx.html. The software download was at the
> but that still gives an error message.
> Browsing the site finds
> which is a "capabilities index" for local Manitoba companies but there is
> no mention of
> "Fortune Ventures Inc."
> "Eisner"
> "K.B. Eisner"
> "Brandson"
> "Roy"
> "Thornsen"
> or "XIPE"
> in the alphabetical listing.
> The overall site has a search engine but failed to find anything
> about "Fortune Ventures Inc."
> I didn't have time to dig any deeper.
> Methinks it may be a bum steer.
> Cheers all,
> Alan