Re: Reality check

Paul Brown ( (no email) )
Thu, 2 Apr 1998 12:09:14 -0700

Jerry wrote:
>>My final decision, YES, it does serve the purpose WHEN people post
>>useful information. I have made it a habit to post URLs and other
>>information directly to the list so it will be shared, archived and
>>publicly accessible at escribe. This saves me having to make up URL
>>pages with combinations of items that don't deserve a full page on their

Dr Jones Responded:
>Yes, well you have to take the useful with the useless. But I believe that
>the list could be far more useful to all if references were given (not just
>some article that I put on my page some time ago ... Ill see if I can find
>it - JUST FIND IT!)

Paul Brown says,
I have been trying this internet thing for some months now and have would
like to make an observation about "Net-Heads" If it is not posted to the
net, you guys think it does not exist! This blows me away. I have yet to
find any real useful technical data on the net. If you want facts, figures,
and hard data, go out into the real world-it is there. For you to sit at
your machine and complain because some other person has not taken the time
and effort to post these things to the web is shameful. In the case of Dr
Jones, in your own posts you cite materials that you already have in
electronic format, but they are not posted to your site (which has not been
updated in a very long time). I am just upset that you or anyone has the
gaul to attack Jerry for not posting or "finding" information. His site is
extensive with a great amount of data posted without any help from the
whinners (Bill has another great site, and of course these two are not the
only ones, but two of the few). In spite of the presence of the internet,
there are still a great many researchers in the real world performing real
science without wasting valuable time posting the data to the net.

As far as people posting their experiences and opinions: we are just trying
to share our knowledge and experience with you "newcomers" who think you
know it all. As a person whom has been in the thick of it for many years, I
try to save you newcomers from going through the same learning curve. As the
saying goes, learn from history, don't repeat it. You can not learn without
hearing the stories of us "duffers."

Jerry wrote,
>>Now, about houses.....hard to slam others when you
>>haven't posted any experimental results either...or did I miss

Dr Jones responded,
>Well that's true. But Im taking part in other experiments as part of a
>web-wide effort to validate controversial technology. And if this is an alt
>tech list perhaps more of us should be doing the same?

Paul Brown says,
And just exactly who's "controversial technology" are you validating? Most
of such "controversial technology" is really the extended work of previous
researchers whom you have not even heard of. I have not seen anything new
brought forth in a great many years. Lots of people whom step up and claim
technology to be theirs, but in reality, the work was done by someone else
years before. Many times the newcomer is not even doing as good a job as
what has already been done.

Jerry wrote,

>>I haven't posted any because I haven't done any experiments (that I am
>>comfortable with posting, i.e. it does not fall into the general list
>>categories or didn't work)

Dr Jones responded,
>Well THATS ALRIGHT. Even if the experiments DIDNT work, at least there we
>have some experimental validation. Its not something to be ashamed of :)

Paul Brown says,
And just where have you posted your experiments Dr Jones? You claim to be
performing this work, details of which are posted nowhere, and blasting
others for not posting. A bit hipocritcal isn't it? You newcomers don't even
know who the real players are; that is, you can't distinguish them from the

My advice is keep it positive and constructive; anything else is just a
waste of bandwidth.

Paul Brown