Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Norman Wootan ( )
Thu, 02 Apr 1998 07:46:17 -0600

Address error: I checked out the URL that was given in the article and found it
was wrong. I will call Venture today and try getting more info and a good
URL. Sorry bout that, I just wrote it as published. Norm

Norman Wootan wrote:

> Hi! Jerry: I read the PACE Journal so here is the straight "poop" on the
> Brandson Roy Thornson drive developed by Fortune Ventures Inc. The
> power/force ratio efficiency is 0.32 newton/watt or 60 pounds of
> unidirectional thrust per HP energy in. The XIPE/1.5/200 operates at 200
> RPM with a 12 volt battery and produces a thrust force of 31 pounds imposed
> 10 times/sec. This is equivalent to a 6.2 HP engine for bicycles, a 7.75
> HP one used to propel small watercraft and is equal to a 10 HP jet engine
> for ultralights and small aircraft. The XIPE/1.5/500 operates at 500 RPM
> on a 24 volt battery to produce a thrust force of 156 pounds, 25 times/sec.
> This is sufficient to propel a motocycle equal to 31 HP, watercraft with a
> 39 HP engine and aircraft with a 52 HP jet engine. For details: K.B.
> Eisner, 1785 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0E6. (204) 982-4660; Fax:
> (204) 982-4665 The gov. of Manitoba is reporting the technology at:
>\itt\db\indx.html. The software download was at the
> head of your archive search main page and was there only a few hours. Could
> someone have put it there by mistake then taken it off before you had a
> chance to see it??? Real strange that you did not put it there and now it
> is gone. Well stranger things have happened on the net. Oh! BTW did you
> see the excellent articles in ESJ on the Fusor projects by Richard Hull and
> also the article by Miley at the Universtiy of Illinois. I think it is
> interesting that the UI group are doing real fusion with the correct by
> products and all. I think the hydrogen fusion rocket motor is kick-ass
> since it will produce 3X the thrust of anything tried so far. See Ya!
> Norm
> Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> > Hi Norm!
> >
> > I don't remember anything about a double your speed software download?
> > Decided to just run emails and such on Netscape and IE for webhunting
> > since graphics seem to run much faster using IE.
> >
> > Have you noticed all the posts and info recently about unidirectional
> > drives, ranging from Cowlishaw to Lorrey?? Yet few seem to be even
> > aware of Dean, Cook or Thornsen...time to post some new files as some of
> > these guys think they are the first, even though I've spoken with both
> > Cowlishaw and Michael Lorrey and let them know the phenoemenon is at
> > least 50 years old....the good thing is they are at least keeping it
> > alive, I'd just like to see them give credit to their predecessors and
> > the others who are CURRENT but not net savvy (Cook & Thornsen)....IMHO,
> > Thornsen with his canoe moving across the water with NOTHING in the
> > water to drive it was an amazingly good proof.
> > --
> > Jerry W. Decker /
> > / "From an Art to a Science"
> > Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> > KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187