Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Bob Aldrich ( )
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 13:27:48 -0800

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Bob!
> I hear you bud....but I like swimming upstream....

Me too, for you never know if there's a waterfall downstream!

>I really hated to hear about Stan Meyers...gee, last time I saw him he
looked like he was in pretty good shape, had lots of energy and seemed
healthy....that was back in May in Denver....he always seemed like a
nice enough fellow, just that he would never resolve his claims to units
or plans that people could buy.

There might be a basic philosophical concept beneath all this, and that
is that what you want, you don't get, what you don't want, you get in
abundance... If enough people said it convincingly enough "I don't want
free energy! Get it away from me! Outta here!" we'd probably have
someone show up with a working device and the government would force it
down their throats!

This goes for the guy with the device that might work, he says he
doesn't want any money for it, so lots of people show up on his doorstep
with offers of money.. he eventually says yes, and so of course no free
energy device ever sees the light of day...

Mix in a few charlatans and con men and you really get a mixed up scene!
