Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Paul Brown ( (no email) )
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 12:49:28 -0700

>But, Papp has been in the public eye (more or less) for YEARS, I mean since
>the 80's, yet still nothing comes of it.
>Isn't that strange?
>I love the theory, that inert gases mixed in various proportions and
>exposed to high voltage will be forced to repel each other with high speed
>and as someone else pointed out, further stimulated by radium or some kind
>of other radioactive material.
Papp was involved with a public company in the 80's but refused to divuldge
the process for producing the gas mixture. Several very impressive
demonstrations were givin of his "engine" which clearly made power (lots of
torque) but the machine part is useless withou the gas "charge" as it was
called. The info in the patent was not sufficient for the people involved to
make the engine run; that is, they already had a Papp engine, but tried
repeatedly to make the gas charge without success, all the while, Papp
refused to give the "secret."

Now my opinion; the man had working hardware, demonstrated it, took money
from investors, got a patent, but then refused to let go of the "secret."-
in my book that means that he was a fraud! These inventors that claim they
are the only one with the knowledge- i.e., Searl wanted to build a
commercial air fleet yet he was to be the only mechanic for this fleet!
Dilusional, fraud, does not matter, the end result is the
same. My opinion, Papp was a fraud.

>Mueller's magnetic motor also has a neat set of claims and I know two
>people who swear they tested it and it shows O/U...but they admitted it did
>not run itself and that the measurement method was a combination of
>calculation based on physical measurements.....lots of room for
>error....hard to deny a machine that powers itself...that's what I
>want...just that for need for over unity, hell just
>unity...the rest will follow....just so...

This guy really gets to me. After all these years he continues to rip people
off! I try very hard not to say bad things about inventors whom are trying
their best. Many inventors make mistakes because of their lack of technical
knowedge; this I overlook because it is not their fault. Their heart is in
the right place. But Mueller; this guy sent us (Sacramento, CA) his Ecklin
frame machine back in 1982 wanting to know why it was not overtunity. It was
a complete joke! The man had absolutely no knowedge of electromagnetics or
electromechanical engineering (at this stage-no problem); we gave him an
education, sent his machine back and made suggestions for improvement. A few
months later he came out with his Brandt-Mueller machine claiming overunity
and selling distribution rights. The machine was tested at 25% efficient by
Shell in CA. Undaunted by the failure of his machine, he continued to make
the claims and sell rights! Then in 1984 I was contacted by a private
investor to perform the due dilligence upon the Mueller machine. These
people were putting up $250,000 to buy distribution rights for Idaho. I
introduced them to three other people whom had already bought the rights for
the entire Nortwest! All the while, Mueller always has some story whereby he
will have his new machine in production and overunity in 2 weeks, or some
switching system must be finished, etc. Then, in 1987, I saw his demo at the
Meeting of the Minds Conference as well as the Hanover Metting. It went like
this: A 1 1/2 HP electric motor turns a 3 ft diameter armature with NIB
permanent magnets imbedded within it. In the stator are some 32 transducers
(laminated cores with coils). Now he measure the power delivered to the
motor as the armature is at speed (about 110 VAC @ 8 amps) and make sthe
calculation of power. Then a single output coil is used to boil water, light
lamps, etc. The power delivered by the coil is then measured (130 VAC @ 2
amp) the calculation is made that the coil produces some 260 watts or so
while the input is about 880 watts. Then with a side-show wave of his hand
he announces 260 watts times 32 coils equals 8,320 watts out from the 32
coils with only 880 watts input! All the engineers present get extremely
excited! They are all running around, so very excited! I was the wet rag at
this demo since I pointed out that all I could see was 880 watts in and 260
watts out. Far from overunity. My challenge was to put a load on all 32 cols
and lets see what happens. Muellers daughter went berserk! She was screaming
at me, calling me an unbeliever!

I must stop here. You get the picture. Some 15 years later, his machine
still does not work but he is selling shares, taking money, using what he
call "creative financing." Here is my opinion: the investment community is
finite. When the overunity machine does come along and requires teh funding
that it will, the people in the investment community will respond by
"already been there, done that, lost money, will not fall for that one
again!" All because of frauds like Mueller. Sorry for blasting somebodies
hero, but these are the facts.

Paul Brown