Re: Cancer & Fiber Sheaths

Billy M. Williams ( (no email) )
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 04:51:33 -0500

Hi Jerry,
Could ya give me some more information on the potassium substances?
And by bradename(High C) is this a off the shelf product?
Heheh I just noticed a vitamin commercial on TV yesterday, they were
Zinc as a main ingredient in blostering the immune system...via medical
Seems they are just learning about Zinc working to kill colds...It worked
for me.
Billy M. Williams

P.S. Any thoughts on my past letter about the Orffyres idea?
See below:

I was thinking over the plans you posted not long ago on the Orffyreus
Engine design...what if you connected each weight on each arm to it's
opposite weight horizontaly across from it, via a large rubber band or a
metal spring. This might provide the wheel with a greater gravity action.
As one weight slides down and causes the wheel to turn, the spring or band
the opposite weight back toward the center of the wheel. Perhaps even a
straight metal rod would work...tho springs and rubber bands store energy
that can be released.

This is the testimony of all that I have
seen, and all I have learned...For this
is the Book of the Dead, the Book of the
Black Earth, that I have writ down at the
peril of my life.

--Abdul Alhazred