Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 01:33:08 -0600

Hi Ray et al!

You wrote;
> Because most experimenters are not aware of these factors
> (except perhaps some who study Keely to some extent)
> they do not understand why experiments have a partial
> result one time, nothing the next, and blow up on still
> another occasion. Even things like liquid levels in
> containers and temperatures will affect these conditions.

Yes, these very same aether variatons are what caused Wingate Lambertsen to
switch from tungsten filament bulbs to sodium vapor bulbs, because the
sudden intensifications would fracture the tungsten filaments. The sodium
vapor bulbs acted to absorb these aether spikes by emission as a brighter
light. I haven't heard much about Win lately but his system ALSO uses a
dual piezo sandwich to squeeze quartz crystals using the Casimir effect.

Have you ever heard of a lady back in the 1910s' by the name of Lily
Kolisko?? She did amazing studies on stellar influences and how they affect
mass when it is formed, such as molten lead that is cooled at a certain
time. These stellar radiations have specific phenomena associated with
them that can be captured in matter, much like we use magnetic fields to
record audio and video to tape, and how we use electrons to produce video
and sound FROM those magnetic tapes or otherwise, so too can the stellar
radiatons be captured, copied and translated. It is far too much to bring
into this forum at this time and I will see if I can generate a file that
can be URL'd...but Kolisko made some astounding discoveries.

Not to mention Ernst Chladni, Hans Jenny, Peter Guy Manners and many others
who studied simple and complex sonic patterns that could be seen in motile
mass and even captured....I am working on a complete section of KeelyNet
that is devoted to Cymatics and will have stills and such of various

I wondered if you'd heard of Kolisko??