Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 01:48:40 -0600

Hi Mathias!

In response to my comments about the MRA and my honest opinion that there
IS no working overunity device, you wrote;
> What about the testatika? What about RMQ?
> who have devices that, once started with DC will work indefinitly at 5KW
> and up; if you have the cash -SFr 15 000 and up-you can put an order
> in, delivery 1st quarter 99! Do you think they are for real?

Hey, I'm a 'wanna believer' TOO and have been at it now for over 30 years,
but let's be honest, I can't buy a Testatika, nor can anyone else. To the
best of my knowledge, there are no plans to build a Testatika THAT WORKS
and anyone who says otherwise, you, I and everyone else should REQUIRE that
they prove it in a public forum, preferably giving us the opportunity to
prove it to ourselves (with a PoP experiment), or just go away.

Even RQM SAYs they have devices and isn't it odd that the date is always in
the future, as you quoted 1st quarter 1999. And why so expensive?

I'm 45 now and tired of the crap from all the claimants. Send RQM your
money and let's talk about it next year around June. Ya wanna bet a case
of beer on it?? I will, beer of your choice which I will GLADLY buy for
you if they do IN FACT sell working overunity motors at ANY TIME.
Otherwise, you owe me a case of beer, let's see, yeah, Corona or Tecate
(Mexican beer) will do just fine, thanks, and around June it'll be hot
enough in Dallas to justify a couple of days swigging....

Always promises. Always future. Always secret. Always proprietary.
Always suppression. Always mechanical or electronic or shipping problems.

Where does it stop? As long as we listen to the ones who always make such
claims, we are puppets.

We should all tell them to shut the hell up until they ARE READY TO SELL IT
or will sell us the PLANS to build a working model. Otherwise, DON'T MAKE
CLAIMS, say it is theoretical or experimental and unverified.

Just a proof of principle would be fine , I
don't HAVE to see or have the WHOLE THING, just show me the principle that
I can test for myself.

That is not too much to ask and its' high time WE ALL do a reality check on
what IS and what IS NOT.....

I have no problems with what COULD BE, but we have to realize that is
simply projection, not reality, YET. Great fun to discuss and inspire, but
not yet REALITY.

You won't see me making any outright claims of success until I can give
you or sell you a working device or a set of plans that you can build for
yourself to AT LEAST prove the principle behind them and to test those very
claims.....when I do it, it will be using the
concept, because I'm not in it FOR MONEY, though I won't refuse donations
from anyone that I use to gather information, do experiments or otherwise
get involved with activities or equipment that will provide more
information or contacts.

Would you believe a fellow I've NEVER MET or communicated with sent me a
check for $1000.00! He said he wanted to show his appreciation for
KeelyNet and help support it. So, I already had contributions of $600.00
from many good friends and supporters that paid for the website, so I spent
it on a new 233mhz computer so that I could do MUCH MORE for the website.
It was a glorious thing for this person to do and I am extremely
appreciative. I plan to hook up my scanner and get lots of new, old and
'lost' info out there using this new system.

So, as much as I'd like to say there ARE overunity free energy devices, in
truth, I cannot say this because no one who makes such claims has been
willing to sell a working device (to me or anyone else that I know of) or
to at the very least, publish/post a simple experiment we each can do and
that will DEFINITIVELY show overunity. ** PoP **

The bottomline remains unfulfilled. There is a possiblity something new is
about to spring forth from a surprising direction, but it is not my place
to say anything just yet. Not to be mysterious, but I've been through this
before. The inventor has given permission to post some of his newest
comments and I have asked him if he would be willing to come up with a
simple experiment as a proof of principle that anyone could build and prove
to themselves. We shall see.