Re: Is this the way an electrogravitic disc could be designed? Diagram Attached.

Grant Fraser ( )
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 18:19:21 -0800 wrote:
> Mr. Grant Fraser,
> Well, the problem with conventional rockets and thrusters is that they
> cannot propel a craft faster than the speed of light. This is because the
> closer you get to the speed of light the more mass you accumilate.
> Eventually, you are so massive that there would not be enough rocket or
> thruster fuel in the universe to propell you any faster.
> So if we are to develope space craft in my opinion we need to focus on craft
> that can go faster than the speed of light.


We are working on two different problems. An FTL craft is darn hard to
test in an atmosphere :) I am not aware of any theory which states that
electric craft can get around relativity. I suppose if you did the
atomic clock experiment with an electric field surrounding the clocks
and got different results that would be proof enough.
I have been most focused on just getting to orbit. If we can do that
for less than $1000 per pound, space will be more economical and star
travel will follow.
BTW. Yes, go to school and get a career. Don't expect help with your
problem while you are there.

PS. Please don't call me mister.