Re: Is this the way an electrogravitic disc could be designed? Diagram Attached.

Grant Fraser ( )
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 13:12:23 -0800 wrote:
> Everyone,
> I have attached to this email a diagram in GIF format of an electrogravitic
> disc. Please download the GIF file and tell me what you think. Do you think
> that this is a possible design of an electrogravitic craft? In a real
> electrogravitic craft (that could fly in space or a vacumm and not need air
> as a dielectric) would the skin of the disc have different layers and be
> the capacitor like in my design or would there be separate capacitors along
> the edges of the disc?
> Do you think my design is possible or 100% wrong? Where should the postive
> and negative poles be?
> So basically I am just asking: How would a basic electrogravitic disc, that
> could fly in a vacumm, and have a space for occupants, be constructed?
> I am seriously thinking about taking a course in electronics, getting a job,
> and then building a few model electrogravitic discs. Do you think this could
> be a possible design?
> Best Regards,
> William
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Name: electrograviticdisc.gif
> Part 1.2 Type: GIF Image (image/gif)
> Encoding: base64
I haven't actually seen the early T.T.Browm patents but from the
descriptions that I have read you want the positive charge on the
leading edge and the negative charge on the trailing edge.
Think of the negative side as being "uphill" from the positive side.
The bigger the charge the steeper the hill.
You may want to supliment the device with a thruster.

++++ooo xxxxxooo-*-*-*-

+++ = positive charge
--- = negative charge
ooo = dielectric
xxx = thruster/generator
*** = thrust/waste heat
### = hull

At least that is the design that I am leaning toward, but with using a
GIT instead of electrogravatics. I may try to use all three pinciples
at once. Say, a low temp rocket or a turbojet to fire the masses in the
race at high velocity. Generate the electrogavatics at the same time
either with the masses being magnetic or direct from the thruster.
I am running into problems determining power to weight ratio, dielectric
strength, and material strength of the race.

Any feedback? Grant:?>