Re: Unknown Freq.

Helen Hendricks ( )
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 02:56:55 -0600

Dave wrote:
> Got this at a website:
> Does anyone out there have tools to analyze and verify this guys claim?
> Please report your findings.
> <Snip>
> I just received a special storage analyzing oscilloscope.
> Using my "UFO" sensing equipment, I have found that there is a
> frequency being broadcast, probably world-wide, if my fears are correct.
> The frequency is sitting extremely stable at 14.28571429 Kilo-Hertz. It
> has a persistent modulated wave-shape. The relative wave-form does not
> change much, although the whole pattern throbs slightly. This is within
> the higher range of human hearing. Being on continuously, it would cause
> a counter-reaction in the brain. (amongst other things) I suspect that
> people do not even realize that it is there. It may have been present
> for any length of time. What its purpose is, bothers me.
> <Snip>
> <Dave>
you will find some answers if you go to yahoo and pull up mind control
forum, or aches-mc, cheyrl welsh has lots of information thru the CHARA