Sphinx (off topic) - (was: correspondence courses..)

Steve ( darklord@darknet.net )
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 16:55:31 -0500

Hi all,

>Like the Sphinx - that has been eroded by water. But no geologist or
>climatologist wants to get involved because they'd be lynched by the
>archeologist brigade.

I recorded a program on TLC about the Sphinx, and it stated exactly
that.. A researcher took a photograph of the Sphinx, and masked off
parts of it, so only the body was visible. He then asked a geologist how
the rock had been eroded, and the geologist was certain it was water.
The researcher then removed the tape, and the geologist was shocked to
see it was the Sphinx.. he had no explanation for it based on the common
ideas about Egypt and the Sphinx.. including the age of the Sphinx.

If anyone is interested that hasn't seen this show (I don't remember the
name of ths show) I might be able to get a couple of screen captures, or
possibly a short MPEG movie, although I'm not sure about that due to
space limitations.

-Steve King

--      darklord@darknet.net | UIN: 5113616       DarkNet Online: http://www.darknet.netDigital Fusion: http://www.darknet.net/fusion