Re: Even more weird little thoughts!

Hexslinger ( )
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 00:21:31 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 21 Mar 1998, Matthew Redmond wrote:

> If every point has its own frequency, or "frequencies" (get back to you on
> that one), then we could dabble in making our own "holograms" in mid space.

Hey - that's not a bad idea. Mad Scientist Project - create a floating
hologram of Jesus, or some other such non-entity, and declare the end of
the world. Can you imagine the kind of MASS HAVOK that'd wreak? Hoo-hoo
boy! Sorry... anyway, that'd also be an interesting form of communication
as well. It'd sure make [and again, this may be a little off-topic] ...
it'd make communicating with other cultures/species/whatever MUCH
easier... you could match words to pictures to make translation a *MUCH*
easier task, ya know?

> There are frequencies at every point in the universe, which means we are a
> point in the universe, and if those points are like individual carrier
> waves then that would tend to suggest that we and our thoughts are all
> information carried by those frequencies as interference, ipso facto your
> thoughts are now public knowledge.

Well, that's pushing it - but is definately true. It just BEGS the
question of whether this technology could be implemented in yer wetware
(re: your brain) in order to provide telepathy or other mystical-like
powers (read: GESTALT MINDS).

Of course, this all hinges on a good understand of holograms - and of the