Even more weird little thoughts!

Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 19:24:45 +1200

If every point has its own frequency, or "frequencies" (get back to you on
that one), then we could dabble in making our own "holograms" in mid space.

I'll explain: If you had a computer hooked up to a "transmission device",
and placed different vibrational rates on to the "carrier" (i.e., the
frequency at the certain point) then you could, depending on hardware
(anyone know someone in the military who could slip a "Cray" out the back
door ?) you could create your own personal hologram.

This hologram could be any size and could be "solid". If we have any Red
Dwarf fans, here is a way to create a Hard Light Holographic projection.

But whilst we are on this line of thought lets get on to "MIND READING" or
of even more concern "MIND CONTROL".

How is this mumbo jumbo possible you may ask? Well lets step through this
from the start shall we? Lets shall....

There are frequencies at every point in the universe, which means we are a
point in the universe, and if those points are like individual carrier
waves then that would tend to suggest that we and our thoughts are all
information carried by those frequencies as interference, ipso facto your
thoughts are now public knowledge.

Nice to know isn't it? And it's also nice to know that others have the
ability to
know that you now know its nice to know!

Paranoia City, population 100,000,000 and climbing.


A Study Of All Things Murphy

Topic 1) Quotes that should be avoided

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing"
"It wont cost any more than $20"
"This never breaks down"
"It's totally safe"
"I'll pick you up in 30 minutes"

"Damn powers dipping...gota send this before the power fails"...no really