Re: Are there any correspondence courses I can take to get a

Dino Arnulfo M. Baua ( (no email) )
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 10:08:50 +0800

Hi All, William!!

I'm an Electronics Engineer with a specialization in communications (telecomm, broadcast, radio, etc.), and quite frankly, even with my background in electronics, i.e., electrons and it's behavior in a solid, liquid, gaseous, or plasma medium, I still couldn't grasp the idea of how a spinning disc shaped magnet could generate a potential difference between the axis and its circumference!

I'm still having a hard time trying to understand where the existence of aether came from. Why, after reading all the things I've come across, I'm beginning to think that a solar powered flash light isn't such a dumb device afterall. hehehe...

What I'm trying to say is, my training in conventional electronic theory provides only so much. When I had to take my professional licensure exams, I started reading books and started learning things that wasn't taught in the classroom. I think if you had the drive, you could learn more on your own, especially since what you're really after is something unconventional.

Dino- @}

At 01:42 PM 3/21/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Dear List,
>As some of you might know I am an 18 year old who just graduated from high
>school a few months ago via a correspondence course. For the last few years
>I have became very interested in free energy, electrogravitics, and other
>alternative technologies. There is only one problem. I am not very educated
>in electronics, physics, science, etc.

| You wouldn't want to know... @) |
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