Re: Is everybody gone?

Hexslinger ( )
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 01:49:04 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 20 Mar 1998, John Berry wrote:

> > Interesting concept, does your plans include the construction of
> > atlantian crystals or have they been used up by the Egyptians...
> You need to first discharge the crystals of all negative energies, Placing
> them in sunlight for a few hours works well, You then wrap them with a
> caduceus coil with twelve interdimensional crossover points (the angle is
> critical) and place square wave DC through it, now it is ready to program,
> this is accomplished by the use of a radionics machine..... ;)
> Come on hex, I was counting on you to make this subject revitalize the list.

Sorry, I was busy ... :)

> God, atlantian crystal tech, time travel etc... You can't let that go by can
> you?

Of course I can't! ;) Atlantis is not a techno mecca - but let's start a
new thread now:

I was thinking about an arguement that someone made against the aether and
it really did get me thinking... the aether was described by Bearden as
being a sea of pure scalar charge. But wait - how can space be composed of
charge? Charge is a spatial property - implying it is made of discrete
units, rather than a continuous flow as many think.

This also brought up another point -- why is the universe
three-dimensional? What is the mathematical process that made the universe
3D? Is the universe one giant hologram? (If so - this would provide a
mathematical basis to model the universe -- it also suggests that the
aether, at least, what WE call the aether - is not the fabric of
spacetime... rather a projection of something higher - this all-powerful
hologram that we know as the universe).

I kinda like the idea of a holographic universe -- brings up a host of
ideas for using interference patterns to allow instantaneous transit
between any two points in spacetime (can you say "fold drive"?) ... heh.
Sorry, I've been a whole "let's make sci-fi sci-fact" kick lately when it
comes to the aether... the possibilities... damnit if I only had some
serious funding!!

Separate thought...

I just remembered watching a clip on TLC about tornadoes -- where
tornadoes were described as a massive downward blast of air, which
rebounds off the ground and forms a funnel, twisting upwards in a spiral
around the downward blast. This just keeps bringing me back to my original
conclusions that alot of atmospheric phenomenon which most scientists and
meteorologists attribute to thermal effects are actually electrical in

Discuss, folks! DISCUSS!