Re: Ejection of foreign material from the body

Don Straatman ( )
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 20:38:30 +1100

G'Day Jerry
Maybe I missed tha answer but what's the name of the book?

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> Many years ago, I found a letter written to the editor of either Fate
> magazine or it this man said he was in his 40's and in
> miserable physical shape....the doctors gave him only a couple of months
> to live so recommended he get his affairs in order as soon as possible.
> I don't remember how the information came about, but the man heard of a
> technique of flexing the muscles in certain groups which was claimed to
> squeeze the muscles in order to eject from the skin, various contaminants
> and chemicals that were foreign to the body and were causing physical or
> health problems.
> The man had nothing to lose so devoted himself to the exercises....after
> a few months, he went back to his doctors for a checkup and they were
> amazed he was still alive and in such good health. They gave him a clean
> bill of health. He later wrote about his experiences and the exercise
> techniques in a book that was something like 300-500 pages.
> The book title and author were in the file I wrote up about it. When I
> posted the file on the KeelyNet BBS, a friend in California managed to
> locate a copy of the book in a Michigan library and had it loaned to him.
> I don't know if he photocopied it or not.
> The idea was particularly resonant with the alchemical story of taking a
> fluid which causes the body to forcibly eject any dead or dying tissue,
> except in this case it was foreign material.
> I understand healthy cells have an electrical potential of 70 millivolts
> and that anything below that energy level results in cancer and other
> diseases. The idea as I understand it is that healthy white blood cells
> 'scan' tissue looking for a potential of less than 70mV....they 'eat' or
> dissolve these tissues to help keep the body free of disease or mutation
> when these defective cells spawn others. When the white blood cells lose
> their reference of 70mV, they allow tissue of less than the requisite
> energy level to replicate the low energy condition.
> IMHO, that is why the Lakhovsky multi-wave oscillator (MWO) and other
> devices which suffuse energy into the body work, the cells are exposed to
> an energy enriched environment to pull them to a higher potential. This
> same phenomenon covers magnetism, electrostatics or frequency devices
> that are used to produce healing effects.
> The idea of forcing or inducing the body to eject either foreign material
> or dead and dying tissue would seem to be worth looking into for healing
> and rejuvenation effects.
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187