Re: Moebius Anti-G & Power Source

John Berry ( )
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 14:07:08 +1300

You are aware of Shinichi Seike's moebius wound torus coil loosing weight
aren't you?

John Berry

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> I am writing this to the list in hopes someone has more information they
> can share.
> I received a strange phone call today, strange for two reasons. One was
> this periodic beeping, about once each 30 seconds as if the conversation
> was being recorded, though the caller said nothing strange on his end,
> same here....I talked with other people today without this beeping sound,
> so it doesn't appear to be in my phone system.
> The caller was very interested in time travel and the Delawarr time
> camera. He said he had spoken with a guy by the name of Bob Devola,
> spelling is probably incorrect.
> Forgive the lack of details at this point, I'll try to get it
> clarified if someone doesn't beat me to it. The initial statement was
> that you could take a 30" piece of wire and twist it into a series
> of moebius coil, kind of braided. He said superglue was used to hold the
> twisted junctions. This sounds like Sam Faile's experiments with braided
> wires which are more properly bifilar than moebius.
> The caller said if you put superglue on a magnet and stick it on the
> twist of the moebius, that it would generate electricity. I explained
> about the inductive effect but he said it was the bringing of the magnet
> to the coil in a rapid fashion that would somehow create a gateway where
> energy would come from.
> I explained about atmospheric electricity and antenna taps where you
> could collect trickle currents in a capacitor over a period of time
> (usually about an hour) to produce a large spark when shorted, but he
> said this was not the case, that the coil would produce such sparks
> rapidly....
> In the second description, the caller said you could take two moebius
> coils, place magnets at the junction so that the same polarity face each
> other, then bring the coils together, a cone of energy was projected that
> would REDUCE WEIGHT....he SAYS some Canadians use this to move houses???
> That's what he was told, he hasn't witnessed any of this yet.
> Next time we talk, I will get a much clearer description of these
> devices. I told him about Don Kelly's 'gravity drop experiments' where
> he used the same hollow box with coils of wire, some in caduceus, some in
> moebius form, either of these electrified with a 9 volt battery...and
> that the powered up caduceus/moebius coils 'fell slower'....
> Richard Hull (Fusor video) duplicated Don's tests with lasers and said he
> could detect no perceptible slowing, yet Don and his assistants report
> some amazing differences.
> So, my question, does anyone here know anything about these claims of
> using a bifilar, moebius or caduceus winding with or without magnets to
> produce any strange effects? This is all new to me, the only thing I've
> read that correlates was the caduceus.asc file.
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187