Re: Magnet therapy for longevity

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 16 Mar 1998 16:09:34 -0800

Hi Don!

Yes, that website is Alex Chin....I posted it long ago on the index96
page....some of the people in our group tried it and got no discernible
effect, though one lady, Myna, despite saying it had no perceptible
effect, wrote Alex and ordered more saying she had good results....but
when I asked her in person she said nothing he uses her
quote as a positive anecdote...go figure...

Alex is a nice guy and we've talked about his claim of 'infinite'
life...he claims the magnets will increase the blood flow....I asked him
if he had done any testing to prove this to measure pressure or velocity
and he said no. He says he got the idea from old Chinese energy
flow/meridian techniques...and admits he has no medical background

I think it needs a lot of testing before making such claims, but its his
ballgame. To Alex' credit, he does show how to make them the finger
rings for yourself...I made about 18 sets for people at our Roundtable
meeting to try and NO ONE reported positive results or anything

I also asked Alex which polarity he recommended, he said to try it one
night with one polarity and if you woke up feeling bad, reverse the
polarity for the next night...i.e. pure north or pure per his
instructions the magnetic poles must be identical so that the polar
energy saturates the blood moving through the finger....and as per
Davis/Rawls...they recommend using ONLY NORTH pole energy their
experiments have shown it more reliable for healing.

I tried the finger rings for about two weeks, one week one polarity, one
week the other discernible changes...that is, no more
energy, no induced problems like headache, stomach or other
at least in my case, it didn't hurt....but then again, in my case, I'm
fairly healthy and don't generally have aches, pains and medical

When I try anything new, whether RIFE, Beck, pills or vitamins, I always
make it a habit to take one small short duration dose, then wait a couple
of days to ensure there are no adverse step, a bit
higher dose and wait 2-3 days sense making yourself sick by
just blindly following instructions....the body takes awhile to respond
so in my case, I've found about 48-72 hours is a good wait time before
trying a higher dose...

I think some of the rare reports people make about adverse effects is due
to either too high an amplitude, too long a duration or too much material
being ingested initially (if its a pill, powder or fluid).

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187