Bill McMurtry,bouncing balls

MARC OLHOEFT ( seapower@Alaska.NET )
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 10:36:03 -0900

Bill i am having a hard time seeing where this is going however I will
try.(last time)to solve your reaction problem
In your latest description of your model you indicated full absorption
into the beam(no Bounce)(beam absorbs energy NOT balls)?
1 If the beam is absorbing the energy and you add this spring trap to
the beam(presumably rebalancing the beam for the added weight of the
trap) then the energy recieved by the trap will be transfered to the
beam but not necessarily at the same rate as the falling ball on the
other end of the beam.variables are the (rate of absorption of energy of
spring trap compared to rate of absorbtion of beam)
2 if you are trying to achieve a balanced beam condition during this
experiment you would have to match the absorption rate of one end of
(the beam) with the absorbtion rate of the (spring trap combined with
absorbtion rate of the beam) at other end.The beam at the spring trap
end must be less absorbtive than at the other inorder to have work
performed by the spring trap.
3 if this is done accuratly and other factors as mentioned in my
previous e mail are eliminated the beam will remain balanced.
4 As the Sum kinetic energy of the balls will be absorbed into the beam
(no Bounce) there will be no reactive forces to deal with.