Re: Gold

Billy M. Williams ( (no email) )
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 10:33:24 -0500

Changing another metal into Gold...sounds a bit like Alchamy...looks like
your searching for the Philosophers Stone....tho from what I've read it
wasn't exactly a stone....either it was a strange element or secret writing
giving the recipe to the act of turning Lead into Gold.

Thanks for the response to my magnets question....tho I'd still like to
know exactly whats going on at the center of the sphere, I wonder if the
magnets were TUNED to the vibration Melody of Gold, could the resonate
magnetic force in the center of the sphere seperate Gold from seawater,
I know Gold isn't a magnetic metal...perhaps the frequency would do the
attracting tho?
My mind was working along the path to seperating hydrogen from Water
cheaply and easily, thus providing a cheap power fuel.
Billy M. Williams

> From: Matthew Redmond <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Gold
> Date: Saturday, March 14, 1998 8:23 AM
> Hello all,
> John Berry wrote:
> > Forget protein melodies, I want the gold melody's ;-)
> > But seriously (in fact I already was) can you have a melody for an
> Well getting back to aether, I have done some thinking (and some asking
> about) and came to the conclusion that the aether, being made up of
> individual units of "stuff" creates sound. That sound depends on size,
> shape, area etc...
> If all matter is made up of aether, then the elements must also be made
> certain frequencies. All you do is change the frequency(s) the
> I do not quite know HOW. I may have to resort to reading books
> again...ugh!
> Just one other thing, who remembers hearing stories about shamans and
> equivalents in other tribes changing into other animals? I am not 100%
> believing in it, but on the other hand not 100% dis-believing it either.
> Is it a misunderstanding, a Myth, or a science we still don't have a
> complete grip on.
> Oh yea, there is even some debate in alternative sciences on the subject
> atoms even existing the way we think they do. Some say they are just
> waveforms of light (aether?????) like Bruce Cathie suggests.
> Worth a thought.
> MR.