Re: Fish Fingers & Will

Hexslinger ( )
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 20:39:45 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> You wrote;
> > 1 - How can a fish "will" to grow fingers!?!??!??!?!!?

They cannot. Period. Obviously an environmental change has occured that is
encouraging this mutation (if it exists). The growth of digits however is
very peculiar -- what could necessitate such a change? What could possibly
being going on that would encourage the growth of fingers.

> IMHO, all matter has intelligence and will to various degrees. Note, it
> is MY OPINION, not claimed as fact. When atoms combine to form
> molecules, they form a gestalt that is more intelligent than any single
> atom.

This is a lot of new-age crock. Sorry. Intelligent decisions are not made
by atoms. Intelligence is NOT that simple. Cells also do not alter their
genetic content to accomodate 'will' or 'desire' -- only exposure to
external stimulae (read: THE ENVIROMENT) can cause such a change.