Re: Mechanics of Fasting
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 23:36:08 -0500

I seem to recall that the body uses far more energy than it gets form food.
If this is so than this fasting business might have some grain of truth.
But I am not sure if the first statement is correct to begin with? Any one
know any solid references on the body as overunity engine?? I might have
read it in Bearden's stuff but am not sure.

Chris Gupta

At 03:04 AM 3/13/98 -0800, you wrote:
>On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:
>> Breatharians claim they need NO FOOD, that all their
>> energy comes from special breathing techniques that
>> allow them to absorb what they need from the ambient air.
>Even this I find incredibly hard to believe -- don't suppose you have any
>URLs pointing to solid information behind Breatharian claims?
>Breathing is used to expel carbon from the body by bonding it to O2 --
>not to majickally extract energy from the air. Personally, sounds like so
>much 'hot air' to me. <insert drum fill> :)
Chris Gupta