Re: Low Frequency Correlations.

Hexslinger ( )
Sun, 8 Mar 1998 20:08:32 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 8 Mar 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Remind me never to invite you to a sci-fi movie or ask specifically for
> your opinion on anything that requires creative thought or
> imagination....<g>....

And remind me to smack you before this conversation is over. <g>
Really, this is getting out of hand...

> Since the earth has a magnetic, though weak because of its size, if you
> could make an object or a living body, primarily diamagnetic (repellent
> to magnetism) then that body would repel from the earth to levitate.

So you're saying that Jesus was diamagnetic? Right, his skin was
superconductive, then? :) I really think we're all going in the wrong
direction on this -- everyone is trying to fit their own interpretation to
this - but it does occur that there is a possible route that we haven't
explored. Someone mentioned earlier a martial arts demonstration where
someone apparently altered his weight such that none could lift him. This,
along with the Sidhis (I *THINK* that's the proper term for the powers
granted to Yogis, right?) are two places to start looking for clues as to
how one can levitate yourself without external assistance. I don't suppose
anyone here is very familiar with a Yogi?

I'm not discounting the whole diamagnetic line of thought - I'm just
saying that I'd like to hear more on it if you have additional