Re: Low Frequency Correlations.]

Hexslinger ( )
Sat, 7 Mar 1998 23:45:57 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 8 Mar 1998, John Berry wrote:

> I just consider what is idle speculation different to what you consider it
> is largely due to our different beliefs.
> Also try as hard as you can not consider people with different views to
> yours as stupid or that they have not studied the subject as you have.
> Your mind can not be too open, There will always be a limit as to what you
> will accept anyway so don't try limit your self, But that does not mean
> that you should believe anything you hear it just means that you should
> always be willing to look at an idea if it is mundane but wrong or highly
> exotic and right.

As convulated as that last message was, the ending of it was essentially
what I meant... I'm not willing to believe just ANYTHING I hear (hence the
"Dont have such an open mind your brains fall out" quote). Idle
speculation sucks... but oh well, let's move on.