Re: Low Frequency Correlations.]

John Berry ( )
Sun, 08 Mar 1998 19:19:20 +1300

I just consider what is idle speculation different to what you consider it
is largely due to our different beliefs.
Also try as hard as you can not consider people with different views to
yours as stupid or that they have not studied the subject as you have.
Your mind can not be too open, There will always be a limit as to what you
will accept anyway so don't try limit your self, But that does not mean
that you should believe anything you hear it just means that you should
always be willing to look at an idea if it is mundane but wrong or highly
exotic and right.

John Berry

Hexslinger wrote:

> On Sun, 8 Mar 1998, John Berry wrote:
> > Hex let other people have beliefs that are different to yours, voice
> > yours but then shut up!
> That's what I have done. However, my hating idle speculation isn't a
> belief - it's an opinion. It's a shame you don't share it.