Re: magnetic thermo-cell ANSWERING TO John Berry

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 05 Mar 1998 21:18:14 -0800

Hi Patrick et al!

You wrote;
> ...When you heat a plate of metal, you cause it to vibrate at a
> higher frequency and higher amplitude so the atoms are given more
> energy and the electrons too.

Seems you could vibrate the mass to see what, if any, power increase
might occur....about 3 years ago, at a 5PM Sunday lecture of the
International Tesla Society ( ), there were about 4
guys who spoke on their experiments with imposing sound on molten to
cooling conductive masses...they said tests had shown higher energy
conduction efficiencies JUST from the use of certain frequencies.

I was blown away by the presentation and they would provide no details
after the presentation. They said patents were being applied for.

My interest was based on Keely's claim that mass could be 'graduated' or
tuned to remove interferences that reduce energy conduction. A modern
term for it is a 'Bose Einstein Condensate' though the BEC uses
cryogenics and high purity materials while Keely used sound alone.

I had a friend in Arkansas a few years back who claimed he exposed
cooling metal to specific frequencies from a Tesla coil discharge and got
all kinds of unusual attributes in the cooled metal...kind of an electret
effect. He said he was applying for a patent for it but he never gave me
the number after he said it was granted...uuummm, David something or
other, its' been about 8 years or so ago...

There is also the claim of a fellow named Baldinelli out of Boston who
was able to stimulate either a metal or alloy to cause emission of
electrons...of sufficient density to power his lab from a suitcase sized
device. It is possible he used some kind of acoustic of frequency
stimulator, the question is what was the metal/alloy and what frequency
did it need to produce the streaming electrons.

Some of us are trying to locate more info on this fellow. The story is
he sold the rights for 25 million and the company who bought it denied
knowing anything about it afterward...hmm...

Anyway, the point here is there is much that is not known and awaiting
rediscovery by simple acoustic experiments.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187