Re: Renewable Energy Rally

Hexslinger ( )
Thu, 5 Mar 1998 21:14:04 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, CJT Enterprises one wrote:

> Jerry,
> It is a March for Peaceful Energy? Well hell that aint an antiwar
> movement.
> One questions I need to know how to make to intersecting electromagnetic
> waves of the same freqeuncy resonate like a standing wave. Does anybody
> know how to do this?
> Chris
> PS To Jerry and all other Texicans out there. Remeber tomorrow is the
> day of the fall. 6 March 1836 -- The Alamo. Remember her and the
> freeedom and the great Republic she gave us.

Echo echo echo echo echo... you realize you posted that three times? Oops.