Re: Time Travel

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 01 Mar 1998 14:43:54 -0800

Hi Prof. Garland!

I don't focus on time travel very much because our main concerns are for
technology that would benefit the world populations, specifically a small
portable power source that can provide energy, either mechanically or
electronically to run various appliances and labor saving devices we use
to make our lives easier.

The 2nd subject deals with gravity control, this would allow for 3
dimensional transportation systems and provide an ability for personal
flight systems as well as lifting huge weights as if they were styrofoam
blocks. It would open borders like nothing ever before.

The 3rd subject of electronic health will get us away from the
contaminants and side effects of drugs as well as allowing us to diagnose
and analyze problems in the body that can be corrected BEFORE they
actually manifest. Energetic techniques can also be used to assist the
body to heal once a disease condition is present. Our current interest
is in 'virtual medicine' using acoustic frequencies that represent
specific drugs, chemicals, elements or protein sequences and which can be
broadcast into the body to EVOKE the same response as happens when the
person takes the PHYSICAL could say it is the next step
in homeopathy.

As to how these all connect. John Keely (patron of KeelyNet who died in
1898) said that 'time is gravity', based on his experiments in the late
1800's. The universe is pressurised with varying densities of aether.
This aether flows into mass to hold it together.

We are not only held together by aether flows into our neutral centers
but are also caught in the aether flows into the large mass of the flies stuck to a screen by wind blowing past, if
we can learn to control the aether flow, we can make a mass heavier,
lighter or balance the effect to produce transmutation, manifestation of
new matter or to alter time.

Aether flowing into mass acts as the 'clocking signal' that we call
'time'. The amount of resistance to the aether flow is what we call
'weight'. We believe the aether flow can be altered by interference
(phase conjugation)....when you alter the flow of aether, you alter the
temporal flux associated with the mass and in the local time
travel is an adjunct to our primary interests...

At this time, it is more a curiosity that I don't think is nearly as
important as free energy or the other two fact, in my
opinion, at this time (no pun intended) it is a dissipative quest that
wastes time and energy better devoted to useful technologies that would
help people NOW in their daily lives. However, it is interesting, though
I don't spend much time on it...when we discover how to tap aether for
power and gravity control, we will begin to identify and classify the
characteristics of the artefact we call time.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187