Re: Take me the hell off your list, you jerk!

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 00:54:26 -0800

A private email TO YOU led to a nasty response posted to multiple lists.

As I said, - Anyway, could you please post something useful that will
evoke a discussion or start a thread or at least wait til you've made
several changes to your site before posting. The list is not here solely
to advertise other sites. In all the posts I've seen from you, it simply
has a URL stating something new or different has been added, no
discussion, no questions, no new ideas for the list to discuss. Thanks.

As per your request, you are now unsubscribed from the KeelyNet-L list.

I still wish you good luck with your experiments.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187