Re: Something you should really examine.

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 08:55:49 PST

Hi All,

About that experiment with the copperhead snakes....a friend of mine
heard of a scientist doing that type of research who when giving a
lecture a nurse stood up and told a story about a man who committed
suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. He was declared brain dead at the
hospital so they decided to harvest his organs. First they erected a
barrier around him and pumped with alot of oxygen to purify the organs.
Three days later this man gets up and walks out with NO brain damage.
This same scientist says he has recreated the atmosphere of the
Pre-Flood Earth in a chamber. Inside the chamber light can be "heard".
A different note for different lights. And a snake and mouse ate grass
instead of the snake eating the mouse. I'll try to find the name of the
scientist and his address/email address and post it later.


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