Re: Hardball/Engine

Bill McMurtry ( )
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 21:13:42 +1000

Hi Jerry,

I have emailed the inventor of this engine for more information. He
responded by stating that he has constructed and tested a functioning
engine. His claim is that the engine only requires input power to get it up
to 'speed' at which time the engine is capable of running itself without
any fuel, input, etc, and drives a load.

He claims that the 'small' unit he has built is capable of output power in
the range of 1 - 5 KW and is capable of running loaded without the need for
fuel of any kind. He also claims that the hydraulic engine is based on the
principle of "power ratio", whatever that is.

The inventor has invited me, or anyone I might know in Europe, to see his
engine function... Doubt if I'de make the trip based on present data
available and I don't know anyone near where this guy lives (Croatia).

Anyway, I have suggested to this guy that if his machine functions as he
claims then there would be a LOT of interest on this side of the world. I
have tried to explain to him that perhaps the best way of generating more
interest in his engine would be to provide technical details so that a
working prototype could be demonstrated to interested parties. I have
offered to build a prototype engine for the purpose of demonstrating his
invention outside of Europe at no cost to him. All he needs to do is supply
that required construction data and instructions. I await his reply.


P.S. When do we have the pleasure of an encounter with the new data on
Bessler... My favourite subject. New source?

At 23:45 26/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Bill!
>Yes, I looked at the hydraulic system...a fellow had posted it back
>in January and I included in the January Emails file...
>What was it, 100 Watts to get 1KW or something on that order of
>magnification? The photo at his website shows a homebuilt device...I
>didn't look at the patent or study the diagram like it
>deserved....hopefully Zomeone (hint, hint) will finance him to test the
>prototype....o/u is o/u....<g>...but I'm still after a circuit that
>anyone can build.....and the band played on....


Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187