Success with Rife Gen.

Bob Aldrich ( )
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 23:36:44 -0800

Hi All,

I thought I'd relay an anectdote about using a simple rife generator.

A friend of mine, who recently went to the hospital for a prostate
checkup, was told that he had positive indications of cancer in his
blood. He spent five days at the hospital getting little chunks of
flesh, moles, a prostate biopsy, etc. taken to see where the cancer was.

And of course the bill was astronomical.

He came back looking very depleted and weak, as they hadn't fed him
anything but intravenous during this time, and really he looked like
he'd escaped from the morgue!

It took about a week for him to get back to the hospital for the final
bad news, as to where the cancer was in his body by the biopsies. They
also took another blood test at this time, but let me digress.

At first when he came back from the hospital I immediately sat him down
and gave him what he wanted and needed, some real, live, attentive
communication. Something you don't get much of at a hospital. Then I
took him to a friend's to use his "Rife" generator, (Beckman function
generator with an audio transformer to match to the body) and taught him
how to use it. He ran himself through a set of frequencies for several
days at an hour or so each day. Then he seemed to forget to come over,
as he was involved in reconstructing his life, which had also fallen
apart to a large degree.

Finally, a couple days after he'd returned from the hospital, I saw him
again, and asked him what the story was. He was very upset with them.
"They say I have no cancer at all, no indications anywhere, even in the
blood, I am very angry with them." he said. I tried to tell him that he
MIGHT have handled it with the rife treatments, and that this might only
have stimulated the immune system and eliminated all symptoms from the
blood, and to watch out that it might return as it might still be in
some organ or the lymph system, but he wouldn't listen. He kept going on
about that damned doctor at the hospital, and how they shouldn't tell
someone they have cancer if they aren't sure...

Well, he is from Argentina and I am sure he doesn't understand all I
say, but at least he's not a walking dead man anymore!

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles