Re: Phase Conjugation

Edward Kauffmann ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 15:34:11 -0500

Hi Jerry,

> I thought that was 8 tubes?? in the Tesla Electric Car. But it is an

Now that you mention it, it might have been. <g>

> interesting correlation....there is a very small company who claims to
> have figured out the SPECIFIC PARAMETERS for transistors that will
> produce an additive energy effect. My contact won't provide any details
> despite me badgering him repeatedly...the claim is a 30Watt 'perpetual
> battery' which they hope to market to power laptops and other low power
> devices.....
> I asked if I could build this from a circuit, he said NO....because out
> of 50 off the shelf transistors, perhaps one would have the specific
> parameters needed for use in the circuit.
> Tom Bearden thinks the Fogal transistor (superconducting) might be the
> key to a true o/u circuit. Met Bill Fogal and we had drinks with some of

This also ties in with what I've been seeing in the circuit simulator. At
first I thought it was a bug and then I started seeing certain properties
in the circuit that just couldn't be a bug. I played with the parameters
of the diodes and transistors and the effect went away. It only appeared
with certain properties of components. Unfortunately, I still haven't go
the same results in reality and I think it is due to what you mentioned
above. SPECIFIC PARAMETERS <g> It's easy to key in the values I want in
the simulator, but hard to find the right parts at the local Radio Shallac!
