Re: Re : Telomere Melodies?

Hexslinger ( )
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 19:24:04 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Kenneth Carrigan wrote:

> Energy plays a very important part of life - not 'just' biological process.

Very good - very true -- but to say that a 'bad mindset' will drive your
health down the toilet is total horse-pucky.

> Healers
> use this energy to heal other people - unexplainable by AMA, FDA, etc.
> Prayer
> before surgery has shown dramatic effects in both during surgery and in
> healing of the patient. Small electrical current to cells shows that cells
> can
> differentiate and regenerate. Kirlian photography shows we have energy in
> our 'mind' field - as a blue print for cell development and information. It
> has
> been shown that our 'mind' field plays a very important part of cell life.

True - but can you deliver me a DIRECT correlation between the frequencies
produced by emotional response and cellular activity? I've yet to see
anyone shred of evidence to support this -- so to sit here and deliver
mindless conjecture is useless without proof.

> Hense, if we think negative thoughts, are mind field is affected and 'then'
> cells development is affected. There can be two conditions leading to
> physical malfunction and those are: actual physical incident (like falling
> and broosing your leg) and the other is killing the mind field energy in
> a certain area (shockra's?) by either others affecting your energy or you
> affecting your energy by negative thoughts/emotions.. This loss of
> energy can mutate cells where cells will seek different evanescent
> frequencies or die from lack of mind field energy.

Again - quite correct -- and again I say - show me that the frequencies
associated with emotion can have a directly NEGATIVE effect on cellular
function, and I'll eat my hat. Right now, academic folks are currently
researching so-called IE Crystals ("ice-electric") -- which are a special
form of water in a 'special' crystal form, which allows the water to be in
the form of ice at *ROOM* temperature (the reason I bring this up is
because these crystals when combined can be used to "forge" specific
frequencies used by coenzymes, proteins, you name it -- hence it's
possible medical applications). Now THAT's proof that it's ENERGY that is
important - that has facts that support it - but so far all I've seen is
mindless opinions.

> That's my two cents...

Sorry, the bank has refused your deposit. :)