Computer Radionics

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 01:17:52 -0800

Hi Folks!

Bob Dratch is saying the weather clearing devices Slim Spurling and he
have been selling have been found to have 'bio-active' components. I
don't know how credible this claim is, but the following URL gives more

The 'GodBox' that Bob is offering for free download is software that
requires 'plugin holoforms'....the holoforms, as I understand it, produce
different results.

When you look at the diagrams, you see the parallel port is used with a
wire to serve as the broadcasting antenna......perhaps I should 'splain
about radionics and why this is so interesting....

A radionics device uses the human body as a marvelously sensitive
spectral analyzer....basically the operator becomes part of the circuit
and his will, expressed through concentration, creates a 'signature'
representative of what is being scanned for with the radionics device.
A varnished or rubber coated metal plate is rubbed with the finger
seeking a 'stick'...this occurs when the device signature becomes
resonant with the mental signature of the operator.

So, you have a witness well to pick up the signature from the
sample or witness...this signature (complex of frequencies) is run
through a series of coarse, then fine tuning rheostats or potentiometers
(many versions exist). Say you have a sample of mineral and want to
analyze it. A 'rate book' is used to provide the signature/rate of
each element or compound. Place your sample in the witness well, set the
rheostats to the rate you are asking for, run your fingers over the stick
plate and if the element is present, your finger motion will be
slowed by a mild sticking to the plate. Not only can you tell what is in
the sample, but you can determine the percentage of that element. You
can also use it as a query system to answer yes/no questions, but that is
much more advanced.

The reason this is interesting...Bob's Holoforms represent rates or
signatures that are known to produce specific results. When you plug a
holoform into the godbox driver, the signal is sent out through the
parallel port to broadcast the pattern. I thought it was a pretty slick
idea if you could prove it. You could determine the signature for
anything you wanted, then plug it in to the Godbox software as your own
custom holoform, then broadcast it....virtual magic....

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187