Re: PoP

Alan Schneider ( )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 21:17:25 GMT

On Thu, 12 Feb 1998 00:36:53 -0800, "Jerry W. Decker" <>

>Hi Dr. Jones!

>I'm happy to put time and effort toward it, perhaps it will help people
>filter out the cranks and crooks. It's been suggested before by many
>people, but I kept hoping someone else would take up the gauntlet...never
>happened, except for Eric Krieg....I'll make a point of contacting him
>also. The more we all work together to weed the free energy garden, the
>sooner we'll see something useful come of that as

Sounds like a great idea, Gerry. But this needs to be done totally,
and honestly, *objectively*. Or you run a real risk of throwing the
baby out with the bathwater. Which would defeat the whole purpose
of the exercise.

Cheers, all