Re: Pat 5,590,031.. ZPE to Electrical Energy

Ken Carrigan ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:30:12 -0500

I trashed the patient after I reviewed it, but did not read the credentials
of the inventor. I would be shocked if a Phd wrote wrote this patient
cause of the lack of detail and the 'way out' nature of it. I'm shocked
that the scientific community would permit such research as it involves
the aether, which is a BIG no-no in the education establishment. The
scientists and physicts of today do NOT acknowledge that there is
an aether. I would recommend that people look at this patient and
assess it themselves, but sure sounds 'too far out'.

v/r Ken Carrigan

However, it does give me chills, knowing that Dr. Franklin B. Mead, Jr.
could be involved with this. (-:

>>Here's my assessment of this patient...
>>How did this guy EVER get a patient? There is no data, no details
>>of material (except saying dielectric), no reference to what freq
>>he is talking about (assumed > 300GHz but < IR ?) and at what
>>beat frequencies he had obtained resonance. It is assumed that
>>he never built anything as he states the smaller the sphere the
>>higher the energy (f^3). He talks of lithography for the spheres
>>and chemical processing. What kind of power is he talking about?
>>I'll bet it's pW to uW stuff! What a hoot!
>>I just can not imagine who the patient attorney was, or what he
>>was on....
>>As far as the 'background' of invention... that was OK... talks
>>about history and Casimir forces - which is very small
>>(measureable?) but may give rise to aether.
>>v/r Ken Carrigan
>Hi Ken,
>I am not aware of the details of Dr Mead's work relevant to his patent
>issued. However, I must point out that Dr. Franklin B. Mead, Jr. is the
>research director at Phillips Laboratory a.k.a., Edwards Air Force Base. He
>has been the Project Manager for more research projects than I can count;
>working with notable researchers such as, Robert Forward and Cravens on
>advanced propulsion systems. Dr. Mead's credentials are impecable.
>Paul Brown