[Fwd: Re: Bloch wall movement]

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 22:16:28 +0500

Ken Carrigan wrote:
> Bill,
> There is a profusity of information around on Sweets claims,
> experiments and devices.
> ...It would also be nice to know simply for an understanding of the
> theory behind what Floyd might have accomplished. Thanks (-:

Hey Bill!

I did here about "Sparky" using a bread toaster to both heat and
program the the magnets for 60 Hz!

Hey, let's rent a $1000.00 suit, shoes, Black Car, etc. and go to
the family of the inventor and show them some CIA Identification,
and demand ALL pertinent information and working prototypes.

* The CIA would of course stand for "Curious Inventors Association"!

... There again, let's not.
