Re: Slow Storage/Fast drain

Ken Carrigan ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 18:44:29 -0500


>Funny, as I was reading your message, there was a short power outage
>(for real!) and I thought about my place outthere, unnafected because on
>DC. Cannot deny you the current problem. Had to use thicker AWG12 for
>my 12 V wiring -which added cost. As for the debate whether such
>frequencies/fields/radiations/things are good or not, I won't subscribe
>to it, as there are too many studies one way or the other. For some,
>peanut butter (or whatever chemical in it)is deadly; others can smoke
>eighty years in a row. What I do know is that 60Hz is hard on my system
>(migraine, tiredness etc). But I generalized saying "60Hz is not good"
>(mea culpa and I apologize). I expended my case and that of a couple'
>friends with similar problems and the couple' studies that I read,
>chosen in a biased way as they reenforced my own experience. Though,
>this said, I am soooo happy to be on 12 VDC system.

Tell me a little about your 12vdc operation for higher power things like
heat pump, refrig, washer/dryer, hot water, hair dryer?, etc... I'm
you can find some of these things to operate at 12 volts. Why do you
use 12 volts instead of utilities?

v/r Ken Carrigan