Re: Slow Storage/Fast drain

Mathias P. ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 15:16:54 -0800

Ken Carrigan wrote:
> Ah, contrare, contrare....
> Back in the days of Edison with his DC power... DC motors
> have brushes and commutation and wear out profusely. Also
> the low voltage DC carries substanially more curent for a given
> AC load at 120 v/220v. We all know that I^2R losses in cables
> is very high so that hair dryer at 1200-1500 watts at 12 volts..
> 100Amps? I think the wire going to the dryer would have to be
> 0000 awg to carry such current. This is one reason the power
> company selected 60Hz AC and the voltages also. DC does
> have some advantages though... storage is just one of those.
> v/r Ken Carrigan
> >This is good thinking. For those familiar with geobiology
> >(baubiology/bioconstruction) there is another positive aspect to DC; it
> >is much friendlier to biological systems. Certain pulsed fields may be
> >very beneficial to health, however 60 Hz is absolutly not.
> >Mathias
> 60Hz has not been determined to cause any health affects but sure
> has been a lot of studies. Same with cellphones, radar guns, and
> any RF source that we spend hours or more arounds per day. I'll
> bet the same would go for DC - it's just we don't have a big source
> that we can sleep with or work with daily.
Hi Ken:
Funny, as I was reading your message, there was a short power outage
(for real!) and I thought about my place outthere, unnafected because on
DC. Cannot deny you the current problem. Had to use thicker AWG12 for
my 12 V wiring -which added cost. As for the debate whether such
frequencies/fields/radiations/things are good or not, I won't subscribe
to it, as there are too many studies one way or the other. For some,
peanut butter (or whatever chemical in it)is deadly; others can smoke
eighty years in a row. What I do know is that 60Hz is hard on my system
(migraine, tiredness etc). But I generalized saying "60Hz is not good"
(mea culpa and I apologize). I expended my case and that of a couple'
friends with similar problems and the couple' studies that I read,
chosen in a biased way as they reenforced my own experience. Though,
this said, I am soooo happy to be on 12 VDC system.
