Re: Slow Storage/Fast drain

Ken Carrigan ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 17:38:14 -0500

Ah, contrare, contrare....
Back in the days of Edison with his DC power... DC motors
have brushes and commutation and wear out profusely. Also
the low voltage DC carries substanially more curent for a given
AC load at 120 v/220v. We all know that I^2R losses in cables
is very high so that hair dryer at 1200-1500 watts at 12 volts..
100Amps? I think the wire going to the dryer would have to be
0000 awg to carry such current. This is one reason the power
company selected 60Hz AC and the voltages also. DC does
have some advantages though... storage is just one of those.

v/r Ken Carrigan

>This is good thinking. For those familiar with geobiology
>(baubiology/bioconstruction) there is another positive aspect to DC; it
>is much friendlier to biological systems. Certain pulsed fields may be
>very beneficial to health, however 60 Hz is absolutly not.

60Hz has not been determined to cause any health affects but sure
has been a lot of studies. Same with cellphones, radar guns, and
any RF source that we spend hours or more arounds per day. I'll
bet the same would go for DC - it's just we don't have a big source
that we can sleep with or work with daily.