Re: Slow Storage/Fast drain

Mathias P. ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 14:07:09 -0800

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Ken!
> Yes, I know inverters are ridiculously expensive....however, there is a
> guy out in Missouri who is running a 2 story house and he spent a total
> of about $15K for his system....
> As much as I'd like to see the perpetual battery ZPE tap device to drive
> each appliance, the reality is we'll have to develop that first, even if
> it takes the form of a trickle charge type atmospheric tap that will feed
> this dual battery network.
> I can see converting my house to run on is cheaper and more
> efficient to do so anyway, and I think small service companies would
> spring up to do just that, convert your house to run on straight DC as
> much as possible using existing wire...
> I've long past become a doubting Thomas on many free energy claims,
> preferring the reality of the PoP, but I can set aside my doubts because
> I've seen this system put into use and it works...though a diesel
> generator was used to recharge the battery packs. You can give up and
> roll over, but I say 'never give up
Hi Jerry!

This is good thinking. For those familiar with geobiology
(baubiology/bioconstruction) there is another positive aspect to DC; it
is much friendlier to biological systems. Certain pulsed fields may be
very beneficial to health, however 60 Hz is absolutly not.