Re: Regarding Sonoluminescence

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 08:48:19 -0500

Bill et all,
Sure will do....
>sounds like a fascinating experiment, definately keep us posted. Do you
>have details on who it was that performed this initial experiment?

No, only some text... I remember I got it off a news group and was from
a UK individual but no names or addresses. I've just been hearing to
much about vibrational resonances, Keely, etc, etc... that I just have to
start experimenting. At least I will shoot for sonoluminescence... besides
I like the word! Hey maybe I'll achieve accoustic levitation....(-:

>This experiment would seem to have implications with some of the things
>Keely talked about (as suggested by Jerry) - also Victor Schuberger's
>turbine work. I seem to remember that Schuberger talked about a pale blue
>light emenating from the centre of twisting water columns. Hmmm.
Yes, submarines also achieved this sonoluminescence from the spin of
the propeller - vortex?? Guess I'll be doing experiments in the dark...

v/r Ken Carrigan