Re: Egyptian Technology

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 20:09:59 -0700

The radio waves (i.e., Tesla's longitudinal waves) are easily detectable w/
normal em detectors. Aetheris stress waves aka Bearden's scalars are not!

At 07:27 PM 2/8/98 -0800, you wrote:
>On Sun, 8 Feb 1998, Dan A. Davidson wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> No, To my recollection, Tesla never talked about scalars. That is a
>> mathematical vector term promoted by Tom Bearden to explain non-hertzian
>> energy relations and IHMO (one of those Oxymorongs), is to total misnomer.
>> Tesla's use of longitudinal wave is to much more on.
>Err... so to clear this up - were Tesla's longitudinal waves and scalar
>waves one in the same? (That's my impression of it - same thing, different
>semantics). I hate semantics games. You say longitudinal, I say scalar -
>he says ZPE, I say free energy. :) Hmm... that was poetic.

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