Keely / Tesla Fun

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 15:46:06 -0800

Hi Folks!

I just checked up on the release of Theo's new Keely book at;

and wrote the following to him;

I just clicked on your publisher to see if anything had changed and read
your marvelous writeup....most intriguing....expecting the book to flesh
it all out....<g>...

You know, I am of the opinion that Tesla 'borrowed' much of Keely's work,
never giving him credit. Victor Hansen has a letter written by Tesla to
Bloomfield Moore in which he tells her she should refrain from backing
him as he is a conman...the letter is vicious and to my mind, indicative
that Tesla feared Keely or his ideas..

Consider, Keely had been in 'vogue' in Philadelphia and the American
press from 1872 up to his death in 1898.

Keely gave public demonstrations of his machines and devices for all to
see during this period.

Tesla came to the US in 1888 (I think that was the date), up to that
point he NEVER mentioned mechanical vibrators. Within a couple of years,
he starts talking about mechanical vibrators and doing experiments
including the infamous report of the shaking of the building.

Tesla originated the rotating magnet field. When he came to this
country, that was his only claim to fame. I think, once he saw Keely's
compound acoustic engines, he copied it to make his 'polyphase', i.e.
multiple magnetic field motor.

That is why he was so derogatory towards Keely, he was afraid someone
would figure or find out how much of his own research derived ORIGINALLY
from Keely.

In my opinion, where Tesla shone was his realization that mechanically
tuned devices could be copied and more precisely (and easily ) controlled
using electric currents. Dale and J.W. don't want this out, partly
because Dale has been given money by the Tesla group....I however, have
no strings beyond association, so I would like to see the facts presented
to let people decide for themselves...

Wouldn't this create a delicious uproar in the Tesla Church? HERETIC,
BLASPHEMER, I can hear them shouting.....gotta love it....

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187