Re: Regarding Sonoluminescence

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 15:11:02 -0800

Hi Ken!

AAAhhhh....Keely talked about these bubbles and how they glowed when he
used high density frequencies to produce them, way back in the 1880's.
He called them 'luminiferous' and said it was a pale blew light.

Scientific American a few years back had a wonderful article on how to
produce these bubbles....IMHO there are two phenomena associated with
sonoluminscence, one is the very high temperatures inside the bubble,
another is the implosion force when bubble collapses.

Dale Pond and Victor Hansen were trying to figure out how the Keely
engine that Victor bought for $1000 from the Franklin Institute in the
1960's, worked. They came to the conclusion that it was a kind of
controlled water hammer effect. They never got it working on its own,
but when forcing water through it, they noticed the water hammer effect
was very pronounced as water flowed through the two cylinders.

I hear what they are saying, and it is an interesting idea, kind of like
using Rhodes Gas (erroneously Browns gas), burning in implosive mode
(where only the monoatomic gases are allowed to interact, with NO outside
gases) to produce a 'suction' engine....wouldn't that be a timing
nightmare...<g>......but I don't think that was what Keely was doing.

If you could cohere these bubbles into a stream, you should be able to
transfer at least a part of those tremendous temperatures (I seem to
recall 6000 F.?) to maybe produce or direct power using a thermoelectric
converter. The Potapov YUSMAR device used a vortex chamber to heat water
simply by 'molecular friction'....the claim is these things are being
used all over Russia to heat huge buildings....others that tie into the
idea of using water shear produced heat are Schaeffer (who used
hydraulic compression of water to produce super steam) and Huffman (who
uses water circulating through two counter-rotating cylinders that are
spaced about 1/4" apart, it heats water from this shearing effect). Very
interesting stuff....Huffman said at a conference a couple of years ago
that he could easily win the $1700 KeelyNet O/U prize if their machine
output was converted to electricity.....hmm...but the point was a zpe
tap, maybe another prize? They sell the machines as 'high efficiency' one will say o/u, just word games with C.O.P. (coefficient
of performance) as used in thermodynamics.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187