Re: Plasma Power

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Sat, 07 Feb 1998 08:19:27 -0700

Hi Ken,
I believe that Ken's patent explains quite a bit. Also, his book, "EV's, A
Tale of Discovery", is most fascinating. EV stands for Electrum Validum. It
is essentially a super particle made up of many electrons linked together.
Ken was able to prove their existence and also that they posess OU energies.

I don't know the patent number, perhaps Jerry or someone on the discussion
list has it.

EV's are one of the promissing areas where I believe we could tap into the
aether and get free energy. Ken is a fantastic laboratory scientist and
one of the few whom think are on the right track.


At 12:53 PM 2/6/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>I would suggest you check out Ken Shoulders EVs.
>Where can I find this info, and what is the subject of Ken Shoulders
>EV's. Does that stand for Electric Vehicle?
>v/r Ken Carrigan

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