Re: Plasma Power

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 10:32:49 -0700

I would suggest you check out Ken Shoulders EVs.

At 07:11 AM 2/6/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>>>I have been sold on this as a very promising technology. Seems like a
>>>>gas filled tube, excited to glow, then stimulated with high intensity
>>>>magnetic spikes would channel these electrons to a tap....comments?
>PS Forgot to address this. Seems pulsing a magnetic field in an ionized
>plasma will still not accomplish what we are aiming for - at least the
>math does not allow for energy extraction. What we are looking for is a
>3 dimentional vector where convection current flows on one axis, a B-Field
>in another axis (static), and charge velocity or rotational velocity in the
>So... if we rotate the plasma somehow... this may change things.
>I do like the post where ozone gets injected into the fuel. Seems nitrous
>oxide, N502, really boosts power to an engine, well ozone (0 or 03) could
>add some highly needed oxygen to the fuel molecule for cleaner more
>efficient burning (hotter also). Anyone want to try this? I'll make the O3
>generator.... Easily made from a Mercury Vapor lamp (Hardware store)
>where you shatter the outer bulb and save the inner bulb for the VUA/B
>generation. Enclose the lamp in a cylinder and pass are through it...
>Ozone comes out the other end.... (-:
>v/r Ken Carrigan
>No, I really not crasy, just eccentric!

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